Home page

This is a quick guide on how to navigate the home page.

The home page

This page allows you to Find or Edit existing bookings. It will only allow you to access your own bookings, unless you have Admin, Group  Manager, or Power User rights.

the status of the booking is indicated by different colours and you can hover your mouse pointer over the booking number to see the status.

1.      Vehicle group selection – if you have access to multiple vehicle groups, you can select which one to view from the drop-down box

2.      Booking view selection – toggle current to see upcoming and uncompleted bookings, or All to see all bookings including completed and cancelled ones. You can only see bookings future bookings as well as past bookings in the last 30 days, Administrators have the ability to see past bookings in the last 12 months

3.      Clear Active Filters – this will remove all filters and reset the Home page to the default view

4.      Export to CSV – this will download all bookings displayed on the Home page in csv format

5.      Cards – this will take you to an interface that was optimised for mobile devices

6.      Filters – filters to help you search for the relevant booking. E.g. type in Aotea in the Destination filter field then hit Enter on your keyboard to see all bookings going to Aotea

7.      Extra columns – clicking this button will enable you to select additional columns to be visible on the Home page, e.g. pickup time

8.      Edit booking – this will take you to the edit booking page where you can update or cancel your booking

Note. until what time booking can be edited or cancelled is dictated by the configuration of your site

9.      Pickup and Drop off button – this allows you to pickup your bookings, then dropoff it off when you return

10.   Status – approval status of your bookings, if the booking approval function is activated for your site

Editing and cancelling a booking

Clicking on the green edit booking button you will be able to modify or cancel an existing booking.

Until what time a booking can be edited or cancelled is dictated by the site configuration, all fields will be greyed out and not editable once the allowed time has passed, however you can always contact your group manager or administrator for help.


Simply update the booking requirement and click on Update Details, when successful, you will be redirected to the Home page, and a booking amendment notification will be sent to your default email address. An error message with the reason will display if your update is unsuccessful.

You will be able to cancel your booking up until the booking start time unless your site is configured differently. You may be required to enter a reason for the cancellation in a pop-out window.