Group Categories function is designed to help users navigating between vehicle groups for fleets with a large number of vehicle groups. Once enabled, the group category field will show up on the Home page, Booking Manager page, to help users to easily navigate between vehicle groups, and also on the New booking page and the Multi Booking page, to help users to find the group they wish to book from.
It is turned off by default but can be turned on by going to Administration > System Configuration > Booking Rules, and check the option Enable Vehicle Group Category.
Create a new Group Category
To create a new Group Category, go to Administration > Master Data > Group and Group Destination, then find Group Categories button on the top right conner of the screen.
Click the button will take you to the Group Categories management page, where you can create, edit or delete a group category.
To create a new category, click on Add new record, enter the code, which is the name of the category, a short description, tick Active toggle, and indicate if the category is accessible by all users.
If a category is marked as Accessible by All Users, user will have access to all vehicle groups that under this category. This is the best option to manage vehicle groups such as pool vehicles at the head office that can be booked by any PVBS users, or manage car park or EV charger bookings when combined with the Vehicle Type Category function.
Assign Category to a Group
To assign a category to vehicle groups, go to Administration > Master Data > Group and Group Destination, and click on Edit, then locate the Group Category field and choose the appropriate category you want to assign to the vehicle group.
Vehicle Category on New Booking page
On the New Booking and the Multi Booking page, the Group Category default setting is configured to "Any," while the Vehicle Group defaults to the user's designated Group. When a user selects a Group Category, the options available in the Vehicle Group field will be refined to display only those groups that belong to the chosen category.
Vehicle Category on Home page and Booking Manager
On Home page and Booking Manager page, the Group Category field will be displayed next to the Vehicle Group field. When a user selects a Group Category, the options available in the Vehicle Group field will be refined to display only those groups that belong to the chosen category.