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Fleetwise KeyBank - an automated key lockbox

Secure key lockboxes are becoming an increasingly common way for organisations to manage pool vehicle booking to prevent missing keys, late returns and double bookings. Fleetwise KeyBank is a fully automated key lockbox that makes pool vehicle management easy.


How it works

  1. The driver books the vehicle via the Fleetwise PVBS application.
  2. The driver then uses the Fleetwise PVBS application vehicle 'pick-up' button to open the cabinet door (electronic lock).
  3. The driver's vehicle key will be identified by a LED light.
  4. When illuminated, the driver can remove the key and close the cabinet door.
  5. When the driver returns, the same process is followed to 'drop-off' the booking and return the key. 

Key Features

  • Vehicle Booking Software Integration. Open the cabinet and release vehicle keys all directly from your Fleetwise PVBS application.
  • Advanced access security. Eliminate unauthorised vehicle access with duel user and booking key release verification.
  • Simple plug-and-play connectivity. KeyBank’s inbuilt GSM connection eliminates the need to link into your organisation's network.
  • Key allocation assistance. Your drivers are directed by LED lighting to make key pick-up and return easy.