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Booking Approval Function

You can configure the system so certain types of bookings can be approved or declined by a Vehicle Group Contact.

1. Turn on Booking Approval Function and setup booking types needing approval

Go to Administration - System Configuration - Booking Configuration.

Toggle the Enable Booking Approval option, and select from the drop box which booking type/types needing approval.



  • Maintenance - bookings to a maintenance destination 
  • Long term - bookings longer than a certain threshold configured on system setting - Long Term Bookings (Days) 
  • Overnight - overnight bookings 
  • FBT - FBT events


2. Appoint Vehicle Group Contact for the vehicle groups
Note, for a user to be added as the contact for a vehicle group, that user has to have GroupManager access to that group.

Go to Administration - Locations Master - Group and Group Destination.

Click on the triangle button at the left-hand side to call out the vehicle group contact and destination panel.

Hit the Add New Record button next to the Contacts label, select the user from the dropdown box then click update. Multiple users can be listed as the contacts for a vehicle group, and a user can be appointed as the contact for multiple groups.

Note. once the user's access level is changed, their access to the vehicle group has changed, or their access to the system has been disabled, they will be removed from the vehicle group contact list.

3. Booking approval procedure

When a booking is made, PVBS will determine if it needs to be approved based on the configuration. For bookings needing approval, the booking confirmation message will display 'Booking sent for approval' instead of 'Booking Successful'. At the same time, the vehicle group contact will be notified with an email, so they can log in to the system to approve or decline the booking.

The bookings can be actioned by a vehicle group contact on the home page by hitting the approve button to the left, or decline button to the right.

Hitting the decline button will cancel the booking and will bring out a decline note window, where a message can be entered and sent to the driver so they are notified of the decline as well as the reason.

A booking will remain until it is being declined or being canceled.

A booking will be automatically approved if it is created or has been edited by an Administrator or a Group Manager.


4. Booking status

A status column will be visible on the Home page to indicate the approval status of each booking.

Approved - booking been approved 

Pending - Booking pending action by a vehicle group contact 

Not Actioned - booking was not actioned before the start time